Read some of our highlights and stories below and get to know more about our students, staff, volunteers, and things we do in the community.
Myth V Fact: Adults with I/DD Can’t Learn More After High School
At Pathways, we wholeheartedly believe that adults with I/DD possess the mental capacity to continue learning throughout their lifetime, despite the common myth that they do not. We are constantly asked why continued education is an essential part of our program, and the answer is simple - it is integral to enhancing the quality of life for our students.
Remembering Cade Wegener: Extraordinary Love
“Every morning he would come in and say, “Hey, bestie!” when he saw me. We always said we were besties.” teacher Chelsea Carpenter recalls her relationship with student Cade Wegener, “Cade was truly heaven on earth. I have known him for years, and I told pathways staff about him before he ever toured here. He loved coming to pathways.”
Myth Vs Fact: People with Intellectual Disabilities are Always Happy
Myth: People with intellectual disabilities are always happy. Fact: Neurodivergent individuals are not always happy. It’s common for them to struggle with regulating their emotions. When you visit a classroom at Pathways, you’ll often find our students smiling and laughing, but sometimes students struggle with frustration, sadness, or other emotions. In fact, neurodivergent individuals may struggle to regulate their emotions due to poorly developed socialization and coping skills. A delay in emotional development is often associated with intellectual disabilities
Pathways Celebrates 100 Students and Counting
Pathways began in 2009 with seven students, and now, 14 years later, we’re celebrating 100 students enrolled at one time! We’ve always known that Pathways is a unique community where students can be loved, respected, and valued, and we’re so thankful to reach this point in Pathways' history.
Remembering Joey Landeros: Never Give Up
“Never give up.” This is a phrase echoed within the walls of Pathways often. Our students here are all hard workers, and this statement can usually be heard coming from teachers or students during times of mental and physical exertion. [...]
Remembering Grant Bland
Pathways Adult Learning Center is more than just an educational facility for adults with intellectual disabilities. It’s a second home. It’s a family. You walk the halls and you hear laughter. You peek into the classroom and you see students [...]
The Gift of Sarita’s Down Syndrome
When I was pregnant, I was told I would have a boy, but when Sarita was born, I realized she was a baby girl with Down syndrome. When I realized this, I felt chosen by God because it’s a community [...]
Making Dreams Come True at The Pathways Prom
On Friday, June 17, we held our first prom. This year’s theme? “Under the Sea”! As we planned the dance, we wanted this experience to be an unforgettable one knowing that many of our students had never attended prom. And [...]