Be a Way Maker

When you become a Way Maker, you commit to making a recurring, automatic donation. The benefit of becoming a recurring donor lies in the sustained impact you can make over time. By committing to recurring donations, you provide Pathways with a stable and predictable source of funding, enabling us to plan and implement long-term programs and initiatives effectively. Automatic donations are convenient and hassle-free, spreading your contribution out over the course of the year and fitting easily into your budget.
Your support means that a Pathways student can continue learning, volunteer in our community, go swimming, or participate in Special Olympics!

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How do I Become a Way Maker?

To become a Way Maker, select a giving level and frequency right for you, then set up your automatic recurring donation below. You will receive a confirmation and updates throughout the year about how your gifts are making an impact for Pathways students.

Way Maker FAQs

You can serve as a lifeline to Pathways by providing a reliable source of funding each month. It is hassle-free, and you will receive donor newsletters and invitations.

Way Makers determine the size and frequency of their automatic gift: weekly, monthly, or quarterly, and select one of the following options to automate your gift.

  • Online:
    Donating online is the easiest option. You can donate using any major credit card, debit card, or bank account here.
  • By check or a donor-advised fund (DAF):
    Please mail checks to Pathways, P.O. Box 703064, Tulsa, OK 74170
  • By phone:
    Please call us at 918-859-0060 to give over the phone.
To make changes to your donation or stop future donations from processing, please get in touch with our office at 918-859-0060 or by emailing

Thank You to Our Way Makers

Air Jorden Aldrich
Kyle Bloomer
Karen & David Buttle
Mikeale & Autumn Campbell
Michelle Cole
Katie & Johnny Digges
Gordona Duca-Heiliger
Susan Effron
Laurie & Eric Freeman
Becky Grant

Becky Goumaz
Ashley Hackett
Emily Honomichl
Annette & Brett Johnson
Jan Madole
Christine & John Matlach
Chris & Kelly Monaghan
Melody Moore
Jessica & Bailey Mosher
Janet Parker

Betsy & Walt Pettit
Dave & Marsha Pritz
Dustin & Chelsey Gipson Smith
Betsy Spitler
David & Ellen Stackable
Traci Walker
Margaret Webb
Pam Wright

Marcia & Mike Pate