Pathways began in 2009 with seven students, and now, 14 years later, we’re celebrating 100 students enrolled at one time! We’ve always known that Pathways is a unique community where students can be loved, respected, and valued, and we’re so thankful to reach this point in Pathways’ history. 

We have four students that have attended Pathways since the very first class. Eric Brunsman, one of the original seven students, when asked what he thought about Pathways having 100 students, smiled wide and said, “I think it’s awesome! 100 more!”

Other students like Dalton Constantino said, “I love this place! One hundred students is great! We’re gonna need more space for more students.” More classrooms and more space was the common response from other students like Shaylin Wells and Christian Timm, “we’re definitely going to need more classrooms!” Shaylin and Christian agreed.

Growing from just seven students to 100 in 14 years is a significant milestone. It shows that Pathways meets a tremendous need in our community for adults with intellectual disabilities. We hear from parents and guardians that without Pathways, their students would be regressing mentally, physically, and socially. Pathways makes a significant impact in the lives of our students.

We’re thankful every day to serve our students and see how amazing they are. We can’t wait for the next 100 students and beyond. You can get involved with the Pathways community by giving, volunteering, and getting the word out about Pathways and what we do.

Here are some pictures to reflect on where Pathways started and where we are now! 

Pathways students at Camp Pathways in 2013.
Pathways students at a Valentines Day Party in 2016
Pathways students at the 2017 Oklahoma State Special Olympics
Pathways students celebrating in 2022
Pathways students volunteering at Iron Gate in Downtown Tulsa, OK in January 2023.


  1. Tiffany williamson June 9, 2023 at 9:00 pm

    Pathways home for me get more classes rooms. Be awesome. Love pathways

  2. Renee Webb June 16, 2023 at 3:06 am

    I love Pathways:-)

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