With social distancing as a huge staple in our new temporary norm, it can be hard to find meaningful ways to spend your time. There are fewer opportunities to get outside and interact with your community. While Pathways is still virtual students, aren’t going out in the community to volunteer, to go on field trips, or to practice for Special Olympics. They are also missing the volunteers who come to Pathways to work in the classroom and to serve as mentors. That is why we have developed a few ways for our volunteers to continue to serve and visit with students from the comfort and safety of their homes.

Become a Mentor

Our mentorship program is now virtual! Mentor pairs meet for 30 minutes using video calling to work on fun and easy activities while getting to enjoy each other’s company. Training and curriculum is provided. A staff member is on all of the calls to help every step along the way. Activities range from reading a story together, to math bingo, to Bible devotions, and everything in-between. 

Mentor Sabrina works with student Josh on a reading activity.

Be a Guest Speaker

Virtual classes have been a huge hit with the students. It gives them a way to stay busy while at home and has allowed them to explore aquariums, zoos, and historical sites all over the world. It has also allowed students from all of the world to join our classes from the comfort and safety of their homes. Volunteers can serve as guest lecturers leading classes on anything that interests them, a favorite animal, place, or Bible story. If you have an idea, we can give you the resources to put together a lesson for our students and they love visitors!

Last month students enjoyed a visit from Hornsby, the mascot for the Tulsa Drillers Baseball team. He joined one of our classes and led a very fun dance class. The students enjoyed the chance to show off their dance moves with a new friend.


This time is a chance to come together in new ways and you’re invited to come join us on our virtual adventure. Learn more about online volunteering.